Powerfully transform text
Easily paste text from the clipboard or load text from a file, modify the text with loads of built-in text actions and user-created custom text workflows, and save the changes to the clipboard or to a file.
In addition to the built-in actions, TextShine allows you to create and test custom text conversion workflows. These custom workflows can then be used in the same way that built-in actions are used within the application.
Key features include the following:
- Load text from clipboard or from a file.
- Save text back to clipboard, to the same file or to a new file.
- Unlimited undo/redo of text changes.
- Apply a text action in a single click.
- Support for action favoriting.
- Support for creating and testing custom actions.
- Quickly search available text actions.
- Character, word, line, match and spelling error statistics.
- Support for font size changes.
- Built-in spell checker.
- Categorized text actions which include:
- Action: Changing case
- Action: Inserting text, line numbers, lorem ipsum and file/URL contents
- Action: Removing line numbers, duplicate lines, blank lines/spaces and matched text
- Action: Replacement of text
- Action: Quotation conversion
- Action: Line sorting
- Action: Character, word, line, sentence and paragraph randomization
- Action: Indentation handling
- Action: Search and replace (includes regular expression support)
- Action: Automatic text repair
- Action: Text conversion
- Action: MD5, SHA-1/256/384/512 encoding and Base64 encoding/decoding
- Action: URL encoding/decoding
- Action: Hard wrapping
- Action: Markdown utilities
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