Plot out your own timetable for the week and organize it
Start organizing each day with the columns and export your timetable away in an easy way
- Intelligently start building your timetable with the day columns
- Quit anytime with the shortcut Ctrl + Q
Get it for $5 on AppCenter
Get Timetable and more on elementary AppCenter, the open, pay-what-you-can app store for indie developers. Every app is open source and has been reviewed and curated by elementary to ensure a native, privacy-respecting, and secure experience.
Note: This app is only available for elementary OS 5.1 Hera. If you’re on elementary OS 6 Odin, it will not appear in AppCenter. You can reach out to the developer and ask that they update it for OS 6.
What's New:
1.1.0 – Jan 30, 2020
Release: Leaner & Meaner
- Minor backend fixes.
1.0.9 – Sep 30, 2019
Release: Stacked Weekends
- Modified: Weekends are now stacked.
- Fixed: Maximization problems.
1.0.8 – Aug 16, 2019
Release: Tasked Tasks
- Fixed: Task preferences weren't being set.
1.0.7 – Aug 5, 2019
Release: Draggy Days
- Fixed: Drag and drop your tasks away and organize them that way.
1.0.6 – Mar 15, 2019
Release: Wispy Weekends
- Fixed: Hiding and showing the weekend columns now is respected across app openings.
1.0.5 – Mar 1, 2019
Release: Color and Save Tasks
- Fixed: Exporting and opening tasks should preserve their colors as well.
1.0.4 – Mar 1, 2019
Release: User Experienced Tasks
- New: Open any .org files exported by Timetable.
- Removed: Notifications system as it was useless since Timetable couldn't notify if closed.
1.0.3 – Nov 23, 2018
Release: User Experienced Tasks
- New: Tasks can be set to have an optional notification when they start.
- Fix: The grid of Day columns doesn't dictate the size of the app anymore, allowing the app to be resized to a smaller size.
1.0.2 – Oct 26, 2018
Release: All-Day Bonanza
- New: Tasks can now be set to be an all-day task.
- New: Tasks' colors can be changed between 3 themes.
- Fix: Tasks have been rejigged to not expand the app as well as make each task look nicer.
- Fix: Daycolumns have been rejigged to be less wide.
- Fix: General theme coloring support in the custom widgets.
1.0.1 – Oct 19, 2018
Release: Weekend Taskin'
- New: Weekend column to plot tasks, show it or not.
- Fix: Tasks are now by start time instead of haphazardly placed.
1.0.0 – Oct 15, 2018
Release: Tasks Have Time
- New: Set tasks times from and to.
- Fix: Task clear color button, for when you want no color in your task.
0.0.1 – Oct 15, 2018
Release: Initial Plotting
- First stable release.