Test some Python code!
A simple tool to test your Python code.
- Code without having to start a whole project!
- Switch Python versions on the fly!
- Copy your snippet with a simple click on a button!
- Continue where you left off last time
- Run your code with a simple shortcut! (ctrl + r)
- Choose a cool theme to code in
Get it on AppCenter
Get Python Tester and more on elementary AppCenter, the open, pay-what-you-can app store for indie developers. Every app is open source and has been reviewed and curated by elementary to ensure a native, privacy-respecting, and secure experience.
Note: This app is only available for elementary OS 5.1 Hera. If you’re on elementary OS 6 Odin, it will not appear in AppCenter. You can reach out to the developer and ask that they update it for OS 6.
What's New:
1.0.1 – Feb 7, 2019
Added higher contrast text color
- Added higher contrast text color
1.0.0 – Feb 6, 2019
First release
- First release