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Simple Stocks

Brendan Perry

Keep tabs on your favorite stocks

See your favorite stocks, their current price, and percent change. Data provided by IEX Cloud (free account required).

Please do not use Simple Stocks as a tool to make financial decisions. Stock prices are delayed by up to 15 minutes.

Get it for $0 on AppCenter

Get Simple Stocks and more on elementary AppCenter, the open, pay-what-you-can app store for indie developers. Every app is open source and has been reviewed and curated by elementary to ensure a native, privacy-respecting, and secure experience.

Note: This app is only available for elementary OS 5.1 Hera. If you’re on elementary OS 6 Odin, it will not appear in AppCenter. You can reach out to the developer and ask that they update it for OS 6.

What's New:

1.0.0 – Aug 14, 2020
  • First release of Simple Stocks.
  • stocks-1.0.0.tar.gz